2017 Wolf Family Review

This year I wasn't able to write a family newsletter to update everyone on the latest Wolf happenings. Mostly because I couldn't find the time to write.  Now it is already March so I figured I would write a blog post and save stamps!

Bo had a successful work year!  He won NCO of the Quarter and Avionics Technician of the YEAR for his Squadron.  In November, he finally walked across the stage, in his Blues, and received the official diploma for his Associates that he finished early 2017.  It now hangs nicely on our diploma wall outside our bedroom!  He has spent the last several months studying hard for his promotion tests and now will wait the long, agonizing months for the results! We are really confident he did well!  He plans to resume classes towards his Bachelors degree this spring. Currently, he is working towards a Management degree, but is toying with the idea of Psychology - I think he would make a PHENOMENAL therapist :)

He spent most of the year leading the worship team at church, but recently stepped down to have more time to focus on school, family and personal goals. He spends a lot of time singing/playing and writing songs.  One of which we co-wrote together!  We will share the video once we finalize and learn it!

I graduated with a Masters of Mass Communications, Health Journalism in December.  I started working in the Marketing Department on base back in September where I design flyers, posters and market all the events that happen on base.  I have written several articles for an online Mental Health publication, Mindcology, and will continue to write more.  I write mainly about relationships and therapy in hopes to help others navigate through their own experiences.

Noah, now 8, is in second grade this year.  He loves his school here in South Dakota and is the class comedian!  He is writing detailed stories and draws amazingly well - just like his Daddy!  He enjoys reading to Ezra and helping him sound out words.  Noah started taking violin lessons a couple months ago and can now play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  He loves Pokemon cards and Minecraft, and pretty much spends most of his free time doing one of these two.

Ezra, now 6, is doing well in his Kindergarten class.  He behaves extremely well and is loved by all of his classmates.  He is learning addition, sounds of letters, and is starting to read!  He is taking guitar lessons from his Dad and is pretty good already! He has always been a natural at music - we can't wait to see his progress!  Ezra loves playing dress up, pretend, and Minecraft with his brother. The houses and villages they build are quite impressive. I tried playing and my lack of video gaming skills has not improved over the years!

We added Jake to our family back in May and the two dogs are a handful!  Despite their constant rambunctiousness they are absolutely adored - at least by me!

We took a trip back to Delaware/Maryland at Thanksgiving to see my family and our new baby niece, Josephine, who is absolutely adorable.  And of course four trips to our halfway point in Missouri to switch the boys.  Thankfully, this last trip was our very LAST halfway trip since the boy's mom is moving to South Dakota in a few weeks! Thanks to God!!

After much back and forth deliberation, we have decided to make a career out of the Air Force - 10 years down, 10 more to go!!  South Dakota has become our home, and we are looking forward to the time that the Air Force keeps us here.  Despite the cold winter wind, the Black Hills really are a great  place to raise a family.

This year has gone by incredibly fast but not without struggles, memories, and successes.  This New Year we plan to travel more, hike the Hills, run a half marathon, write more, sing more, and of course love more.  We pray for good health for ALL our family and friends!! Until next year...


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