Stress can be a good thing.

If you've known me for at least 24 hours you know that my life is far from boring; there is NEVER a dull moment! 

I had a very successful day in treatment and was really excited to head to my 3:45 appointment with Dr. W, who is my therapist that I see in addition to my daily treatment program. I was anxious to get to his office so I can tell him all about the progress in recovery I've made over the past few days.  

As I'm getting in my car I remembered I needed to get gas since I didn't have time this morning because I was running late.  I reached into my purse and realized that in the rush out the door I forgot my wallet..

Initial thought: oh shit...

I realized in this moment I can do one of two things: freak the hell out and have a full blown anxiety attack which will enivitably lead to ED symptom use, which is what I would normally do OR deal with the negative situation in a positive and constructive way. 

Stress is a major triggor for me. The main reason my ED came about is because I didn't know how to deal with a negative situation and process all the emotional turmoil that I was experiencing. Since then, I have used my ED has a form of emotional numbness and to feel in control when everything else seemed so out of control. 

Acknowledging that I don't have and will never have control over most things is key. And that when unforeseen things happen that induce stress, like being stranded in Philadelphia, I have the choice to react in a positive way and not act out in a way that is mentally and physically destructive to myself. 

As I waited for my mom to wire me money (totally felt like I was a freshman in college again!) I reached out to Dr W and he and I processed the situation together. I took what could of been a horrible night and turned it into an opportunity for growth. 
I think life throws hurdles and obstacles at us to teach us lessons and help us grow as an individual. It's up to us how we react to these stressors. And our reactions determine the quality of our lives. 

"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react." - Charles Swindoll

On a lighter note, don't forget your wallet at home and never let your tank go empty!!!

(ED - Eating Disorder)


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