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2017 Wolf Family Review

This year I wasn't able to write a family newsletter to update everyone on the latest Wolf happenings. Mostly because I couldn't find the time to write.  Now it is already March so I figured I would write a blog post and save stamps! Bo had a successful work year!  He won NCO of the Quarter and Avionics Technician of the YEAR for his Squadron.  In November, he finally walked across the stage, in his Blues, and received the official diploma for his Associates that he finished early 2017.  It now hangs nicely on our diploma wall outside our bedroom!  He has spent the last several months studying hard for his promotion tests and now will wait the long, agonizing months for the results! We are really confident he did well!  He plans to resume classes towards his Bachelors degree this spring. Currently, he is working towards a Management degree, but is toying with the idea of Psychology - I think he would make a PHENOMENAL therapist :) He spent most of the year leading the worsh

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